PK Podcast 025: Andy Chadderton Q&A – Deer Stalking, Ethics, Land Management, Rewilding, Advice To Beginners & More
Andy Chadderton is a professional deer stalker and firearms instructor based in the highlands of Scotland. He joined me on Episode 11 of the Paul Kirtley Podcast and returns today for a conversation based on questions submitted by listeners via my Facbeook page.
In the course of this discussion we touch on a diverse range of topics, including advice for those who want to start deer stalking, thoughts on rewilding and the need for more integrated approaches to land management and nature conservation, discussions around the ethics of hunting deer, open seasons for different deer species and gun laws, the effect of social media on outdoor activities, including deer stalking, as well as some specific technical advice on rifle scopes for deer hunting.
Our conversation forms Episode 25 of the Paul Kirtley Podcast…
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The conversation Andy and I had in this podcast was based on questions submitted via my Facebook page. These included…
- What would be a good first step for someone interested in becoming a deer stalker? I have only used air rifles and have no experience with firearms.
- Does Andy believe that a year round season should extend to any other species than Muntjac? And if so, why?
- Please could we have a bit of chat on rifle scopes for deerhunting, simplifying them a bit would be good if that is possible! I am about to get a new one ( I shoot red deer with a .308 calibre) and it is a bit of a mine field. I know you get what you pay for but knowing a little more about the actual optical side/numbers etc would be good . Thanks.
- What would he change about his chosen career to improve it if he could? What does he make of the constantly changing gun laws and does leaving the EU affect anything?
- Outdoor life seems to be increasing nowdays, with the social networks and new tecnologies to share photos and videos of the trips and aventures. Does this has a negative impact on nature somehow?
- It would be great if you could ask him his opinion on re-wilding and the future of land management in wild places.
- Similar to the rewilding but specifically his view on the introduction of wolves to the wild?
- Paul and Andy, for those of us across the pond, a bit of an explanation on what a deer stalker is would be helpful. I had to research it a bit as I don’t think we really have a parallel position here, at least not one commonly held.
- Are things the same or worse for deer at the moment with all the mild weather. Too many and too little food?
- Are military weapons instructor (small arms) qualifications transferable across the the civilian sector?
- Do you think killing animals with a gun is right if you haven’t fought one to the death first?
The transcript is coming soon…. the typing pool are working flat out.

Links For This Podcast
Trijicon AccuPoint Scopes
Vortex Optics
Swarovski Optik rifle scopes
Schmidt & Bender
British Deer Society
Forest Hunter Course
Report For The Board of The National Trust For Scotland Into The Management of Deer, Woodland and Moorland At Mar Lodge Estate
Connect with Andy
Thanks For Listening!
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Related Material On Paul Kirtley’s Blog
PK Podcast 011: Andy Chadderton On Life As A Professional Deer Stalker
Favourite Films: Cree Hunters Of Mistassini
The Difference Between Foraging and Living Off The Land
PK Podcast 024: Why Your Bow-Drill Time Obsession Is Important
14 thoughts on “PK Podcast 025: Andy Chadderton Q&A – Deer Stalking, Ethics, Land Management, Rewilding, Advice To Beginners & More”
Enjoyed the podcast with Andy. Good that it covered a wide range of topics from firearms legislation, land management and hunting ethics. Podcasts that employ long-form conversations and Q&A are useful for exploring subjects in detail.
Hi Scott,
It’s good to hear from you. Glad you enjoyed the areas we covered with the space this format allows.
Extremely interesting for me because I am doing the DS1 course this coming weekend over 3 days.
Everything mentioned in the podcast was relevant.
I have been shooting for 15 years and have shot rabbit and pheasant. All this meant food on the table. I want to eventually shoot a deer. It is as if the podcast was made especially for me. Excellent.
Good job I had the time to listen to it all.
Goodluck with the DSC1.
I agree with you podcast man Andy. it’s not all about the kill . Their is so much more conservation. Animal I d .habits .the list goes on. I also agree regarding scopes .it’s the person behind it good listing. Maisey
Hi Maisey, glad you liked it.
ATB, Paul
Hi Paul,
Really enjoyed listening to this on my long drive last weekend. It was refreshing to hear your views on reintroduction and Rewilding!!!
Hi Ste, I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Hi Paul,
Great to enjoy another interesting podcast and on a subject I know little about. Also pleased to hear a section on rewilding; sometimes feels like too much is being lost nowadays.
The new format is a winner by the way. Having questions put forward by listeners gave it a more dynamic feel, not that your approach isn’t. Definitely a usefull format for returning guests where questions we’d like to ask crop up after listening to their first appearance.
Keep up the good work and congratulations on the award, deservedly earned!
Hi John,
It’s good to hear from you and thanks for your kind words regarding the blogging award.
Thanks also for your feedback on this episode with Andy and the Q&A format for returning guests.
As always, thanks for your input and support. It’s much appreciated.
Warm regards,
Great podcast Paul. I love the detail you can go in with this format which I listen to when out pedalling around Surrey. Great to hear a bit of banter too – Andy ‘I look a bit chubby on social media’. Paul ‘don’t stand so near the camera’. V good tip..
I’ve registered for the deer stalking course. Seems to fill a gap in the market – again. Clever. Cheers Steve
Hi Paul,
Thanks so much for this. Thought-provoking, inspiring, informative. Am very much looking forward to my DSC1-and to future podcasts!
Best wishes,
Hi Paul, Andy,
Although I’m not in UK nor directly interested in deer stalking, I found the podcast really interesting, the way Andy approached questions and his philosophical take on some of the topics very refreshing… after so much noise and “strong” opinions flying around…
Thanks, and keep podcasting 🙂
Hi Paul and Andy,
What a great blog, l know I have tripped over this sometime after it was posted, if anyone reads this, Andy is one top bloke, ok Paul is too, the forest hunter course they offer is brilliant, if you think it’s expensive it’s not, the number of people involved and the equipment is overwhelming, it is a great week in the Truely outdoors (as far as the UK can provide) I did this as my first frontier course, you really don’t need to have much outdoor experience, you just need to want to experience the outdoors.
Many thanks once again to the team that made 2019 a memorable year.