#AskPaulKirtley 63: Water, Withies, Camp Routines, Compass Bubbles, Fire Saws & Edible Ant Larvae
In this episode of #AskPaulKirtley I answer questions about water purification protocols in areas where water is mostly clean to drink, how to use withies to create a tripod with canoe paddles, useful daily camp routines for personal admin and hygiene, the consequences of compass bubbles, an overview of the fire saw with bamboo, and whether ant larvae are edible…
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Links For This Episode of #AskPaulKirtley
Five Mile Rapids, French River – High Water In Late Summer
Tips From The Team – A Good Night’s Sleep
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What Is #AskPaulKirtley?
#AskPaulKirtley is my Q&A video and podcast series that aims to answer your questions about bushcraft, survival skills and outdoor life.
The idea here is partly to take the strain off my email inbox and get answers out to people in a more timely fashion.
Rather than send an answer to just that one person, I’d like others to benefit from the answers too. So, just in the same way I’d previously write an email answer, here I’m going to speak the answer (which is much quicker than me typing out an answer, so I’ll get more questions answered as well as benefiting more people).
Click here to find out the different ways you can ask me a question.
Related Material On Paul Kirtley’s Blog:
Water Safety In Camp: The Six Pillars
Water Purification: The 5 Contaminants You Need to Know About
2 thoughts on “#AskPaulKirtley 63: Water, Withies, Camp Routines, Compass Bubbles, Fire Saws & Edible Ant Larvae”
Dear Mr Kirtley, thank you for sharing you wealth of information, I have been following the “Ask
Paul Kirtley” for over a year, and had the chance to watch most all of the back episodes. This episode however… I would never have thought about eating ants, or their larvae for that matter! And I probably NEVER will try to eat ants or the larva! Thanks again, and please, keep up the great work! All the best to you and yours. Mr Kevin B. 🙂
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for your kind words about the material here on my blog. I’m glad you have managed to work your way through most of the back episodes. I’m flattered. Thank you.
I’m also glad I’ve given you a few things to think about, including the prospect of eating insects, even if you have no intention of putting these thoughts in to practice 🙂
Please do keep in touch.
Warm regards,