Rosebay Willowherb: Taking The Pith
Rosebay willowherb, Chamerion angustifolium (also known as Epilobium angustifolium) is a widespread plant of the Northern Hemisphere.
Known as Fireweed to many, particularly in North America, this name reflects the plant’s appearance following forest fires and other events which leave the earth scorched. With greater light on the earth again, C. angustifolium seeds then germinate and grow in the cleared areas until competition crowds them out.
This tendency to appear from scorched earth also gave rise to the name Bombweed in the UK during the Second World War, when the plant quickly populated derelict bomb sites.
Rosebay Willowherb – Habit and Habitat
The plant is an upright perennial, with an unbranched stem growing to around 1.5 metres (4.5 feet), sometimes taller, with pink or purple four-petalled flowers. The leaves are alternate and resemble those of some Willows, Salix sp.
Rosebay willowherb flowers from June to September. Long seed pods form containing masses of hairy/fluffy seeds which are carried on the wind. There can be around 80,000 seeds per plant.
Rosebay likes to grow in dry, relatively open areas. You typically find it in forest clearings, beside tracks and trails, on well-drained banks of rivers and on recently disturbed ground.
Rosebay willowherb has become more common and widespread in areas disturbed by man. In the UK it was at one time considered rare but during the last 100-150 years rosebay has spread dramatically, thought to be due initially to its spread along corridors of suitable habitat created by new railways in the 19th Century.
Rosebay Willowherb – A Plant of Many Uses
The uses of this plant are multiple – from natural cordage to fire-lighting to clothing to edible roots, shoots, leaves and flowers as well as numerous medicinal applications, some of which are still being investigated.
Many of these uses were well-known to native peoples from Alaska to Siberia.
One use which was familiar to North American First Nations as well as to Kamchatkan reindeer herders, was consuming the pith from inside the stems – raw, cooked or fermented.
Taking the pith from fireweed is something which is easy to do. Very little processing is required to ready it for consumption. It’s also pretty tasty.
Accessing Rosebay Willowherb Pith
You need to locate a stand of rosebay willowherb which is mature and – typically – starting to flower but not gone to seed.
The plant flowers over an extended period and it is quite possible for flowers lower down the stem to have finished while flowers in the middle-top are in full bloom with buds above them towards the top of the flowering spike. Once the plant has gone completely to seed the stem is often woody and dry, with the pith becoming less attractive and more difficult to access.
Cut the stem low down. You’ll see the pith in the centre of the stem.
Now you need to split the stem.
You can use your thumbnails to do this, starting at the base of the stem and working as far as you can towards the top. Or you can use a knife. It’s easier to split the stem with a small blade such as a pocket knife.
You should take care not to cut yourself, however, as again the split is best started at the base of the stem, where you’ll have to hold the stem very close to where you are creating the split. It’s safer to place the stem down onto a log and start the split with the tip of your knife.
Whichever way you start the split, continue it up the stem as far as you can manage. Now use your fingers to open out the stem. It will probably break into two halves.
In the centre is the pith. This can be scraped out of the half-stems with the tip of your knife. Better still for this job is a small stick with the end shaped like a screw-driver but only as wide as the pith. This will scrape out the pith very efficiently – more efficiently than the tip of your knife – so it is worth producing this little tool if you want anything more than a wayside nibble.

The pith is somewhere between cucumber and unripe cantaloupe both in terms of texture and taste. It has some sweetness to it but sometimes also a slightly hot, peppery aftertaste. When collected up, the pith becomes more gelatinous and slimy and browns quite quickly.
Improve Your Tree and Plant Identification Skills
Would you like to improve your ability to identify useful trees and plants? I offer an online tree and plant identification course, which flows through the seasons. Find out more about the next available course by clicking the following link: Paul Kirtley’s Tree and Plant Identification Masterclass
Rosebay Willowherb Pith: Food Value
The collected pith can be added to soups and broths both to thicken them and add extra carbohydrate content. It can also add a little flavour to otherwise bland concoctions.
I can attest to having felt the value of even the raw pith of rosebay as a wayside pick-me-up. I have eaten it while undertaking exercises where we lived off the land; you certainly feel the benefit to your blood sugar levels not long after taking on a few mouthfuls of the fresh pith. It’s surprising.
Rosebay willowherb is one of the more useful wilderness plants and taking the pith is one of the simplest ways of obtaining food from it.
Let us know in the comments below if you’ve tried the pith of rosebay willowherb – raw, cooked or otherwise.
Recommended Field Guides and Plant Books
Collins Wild Flower GuideCollins Complete (Photographic) Guide To Wild FlowersThe Wild Flower Key
Related Articles on Paul Kirtley’s Blog:
Five Survival Plants Every Forager Should Know
53 thoughts on “Rosebay Willowherb: Taking The Pith”
The pith is great as a survival food but the young shoots in spring are absolutely delicious blanched. Up the in my top 5 foraged foods!
Hi David,
Thanks for your comment. I’m glad you are also a fan!
I like the growing tips dried as green tea. I’ve also used fresh, raw baby plants in sandwiches too. A friend (after tasting the pith) couldn’t get enough of it & was nibbling it all summer last year!
Hi Fred,
Thanks for your comment. It’s good to hear from you.
I was particularly interested in your use of the raw baby plants in sandwiches – something I’ve not tried and will have to put on my list for next Spring.
Warm regards,
I’ve not tried this before, and only heard of it as bombweed before. Definitely one I’m going to have to try, thanks Paul
Hi James,
Yes, get out there. Now is the time around where you are…
Wow. I never knew you could eat the pith, Looking forward to trying it!
Thanks Paul 🙂
Hi Jake,
It’s good to hear from you. Let me know what you think once you’ve had a taste! 🙂
Warm regards,
A definite pick-me-up when your reserves are low and quite pleasant to snack on at other times.
Hi Roland,
Yes, indeed it is! 🙂
Warm regards,
Nice to know. I always avoided this plant because I did not know if it was edible. Now I will have to try ofcourse 🙂
Hey Rody,
As always, it’s good to hear from you.
Let us know what you think once you have tried it! 🙂
Warm regards,
As always thanks for the article. I am not familiar with this plant growing in Kentucky but will take notice and see if I can locate it here. The article is of much help of where to look for it.
Have a grand day,
Hi Steve,
It’s good to hear from you again.
It seems that from looking at the USDA website, this plant is either absent or very rare in Kentucky: http://plants.usda.gov/core/profile?symbol=CHAN9
So, definitely let us (and others) know if you spot some!…
All the best,
Hi Paul,
One of my favourite plants – absolutely loads of things you can do with it and always one of the first plants i show to people i’m teaching bushcraft to.
The young plants are delicious steamed like asparagus and served with butter, Have cooked the leaves like spinach before and also eaten the pith and you’re right it does taste like cucumber!
The seed down is also my preferred coal extender for birds nests while doing bowdrill and i always have a large bag full in my shed for teaching purposes and when i feel the urge to knock out an ember!
All the best! Bob.
Hi Bob,
It seems like you know this plant – and its value – very well.
It’s nice to connect with another rosebay/fireweed fan! 🙂
Warm regards,
Nice tip. I have a question: Can you do the same thing with great willowherb?
Hi Niels,
It’s good to hear from you.
I have eaten the pith of Great Willowhern, Epilobium hirsutum, and while there were no apparent ill-effects, I found it to be not as sweet and to have a somewhat unpleasant, bitter aftertaste.
Let me know if you try it in your area and if you find the same tastes.
Warm regards,
Can or has anyone made a wine out of it? And what parts do you use
Hi Bill,
Wine is definitely made from the blossoms: https://www.vinoshipper.com/wines/alaskan_wilderness_wines/wild_fireweed_2,927
Also referenced here: The Alaskan Bootleggers Bible
Andy Hamilton has also included rosebay willowherb in an interesting brew.
I hope this helps.
Let us know if you make some and how it turns out!
Warm regards,
Hi Paul,
Great tip. The root is a staple food in Swedish survival.
By the way, did you receive the document on Nutritional Values?
Hi Mikael,
Good to hear from you again.
I do have an A4 sheet containing some nutritional values that I was given some years ago but I’m not sure of the source.
Is this what you are referring to or have you sent me something?
Warm regards,
Hi Paul,
That’s unfamiliar to me. What I sent you is a draft translation of Nutritional values from a Swedish book, “Överleva på Naturens Vilkor.” I tried to send it to you through the admin email on the first of August, a couple of weeks ago. I take it didn’t arrive then. You have my email if you would like it for personal use. Some of the names in English may be incorrect. If you would correct me then that would be much appreciated. There are some other translation work that I would like to do as well.
I’m trying to wangle some time and money to make it for an elementary course next year. It would be great to touch base and for me to learn skills directly related to the UK environment.
Hi Mikael,
Your email has been located! 🙂
I’ll have a look at the translation and then reply.
Warm regards,
Hi Paul
Found this plant interesting…so looked up its ancestry wrt to first nations..
* it’s the symbol of the Yukon province …
* it’s symbol of balance… A lesson to learn from nature….especially after a fire.
* it’s flowers provide honey…sweet flavour…
* alongside its other uses ….flowers can be used to make syrup…used with ice cream. 🙂
Read more about Yukon /first nations/ fireweed at http://lawrenceparkgardencare.com/2006/12/06/fireweed/
Hi Leena,
Yes, rosebay has a lot of uses and has been an important source of resources for various indigenous peoples. It’s always interesting to research them.
Thanks for posting the link.
Warm regards,
True Paul…researching is easy to do….your practical tips are valuable…the how to take the pith…is most handy…nicely demonstrated.
In fact it was the passage – ”I can attest to having felt the value of even the raw pith of rosebay as a wayside pick-me-up. I have eaten it while undertaking exercises where we lived off the land; you certainly feel the benefit to your blood sugar levels not long after taking on a few mouthfuls of the fresh pith. It’s surprising.”-
That made me think what might be the carbohydrate form…ie is it fructose etc…couldnt find the nutritional content or sugar form…but as all the posts indicate… it is sweet. I suppose thats all one needs to know really. Rest are all add ons to your article.
First nations as you so rightly put it in this and many articles before…have already mastered the art of observation and using resources well. Thanks again for a good article.
Have just enjoyed some stir fried leaves and young shoots. Look forward o trying the pith later in the season. Thanks for the info.
Hi Paul,
Another great article.
I too use the seed down as a coal extender. I wasn’t aware there were so many other uses though.
Could you let me know where I can find out more about these other uses (without the obvious plug for one of your excellent courses! 🙂
Hi Duncan,
Thanks for your comment on the article. Rosebay is a very useful plant.
I can’t recommend a single resource which tells you about all the uses but I will be writing more on this when I get the opportunity.
If you are interested on some of the indigenous uses, there is some information available online if you do a Google search. For example Leena has posted such a link elsewhere in this comment thread.
Warm regards,
Hi Paul,
Thank you once again for filling in more gaps in my plantlore knowledge.
The posts have also answered further questions- I have lots of Great Willowherb in my locality…
Nice to see the ‘ international commentary’. Mors Kochanski always spoke (and still does I am sure!) about the joys of ‘Fireweed’.
Thank you once again,
I never tried the pith of rosebay willowherb, but I will certainly will with the first ocassion.
Hi Matt,
Give it a go. And pop back to let us know what you thing.
All the best,
another great article paul. it is abundant by me and will be trying the pith very soon. might also have a go at making cordage, i asume its a simillar process to nettle cordage?. without the sting! .thanks mate. 😉 its great reading other peoples comments and uses too.
Hey Paul,
Wow, great post, and I definitely learned some stuff here.
I’ve seen fireweed for so many years, and knew that it was edible, but I’ve never seen such a comprehensive explanation. Thanks again,
Hello Paul ,I feel like I got to the feast last, after everyone already ate , a little embarrassed I never learned about fireweed before .It is a little strange I checked in tonight ,only to find something this interesting ,when I HAD BEEN WONDERING ABOUT THIS PLANT FOR QUITE A WHILE . just a big thanks again ,great photos and all , will go have a better look and taste .thanks RON L.
Hi Ron,
Thanks for your comment. I’m so glad you found this article useful and stimulating. Let me know what you think of fireweed once you’ve tried it.
I loved reading this, and will go further into the links you have posted later. Fire weed grows like crazy where I live, I thought it’s so pretty how come it’s disregarded as a weed. I was curious and researched it’s value and was pleased to discover it’s edible, rich in vit c and how it grows where destruction has taken place. It’s a wonderful plant. I would like to utilise it accross the globe, where forrests have been felled, by using bees to produce fireweed honey, and then of course there is the beeswax, then I ‘d like the plant to be used to make broth or other staple food. I figured there are so many starving people in the world, so many crops struggling to grow, and being sprayed with poisons. This fellow grows with no help, and in the worst condtions. Yet it’s just ignored, ( well not by you wonderful people! ) I hope I can bring somekind of food program in to help starving people and utilise this gorgeous weed! I am a dreamer. Thanks so much ;D.
Thank-you all for the many uses of Fireweed what an eye opener. I have used the wet plant for many small drinks of water by placing my mouth at the base of the plant and sucking as I went up the plant. We had run out of water while Dall Sheep hunting in Alaska, this plant after many other plants tries gave one the best small drink of water. We were on a steep mountain side moving back down to our canoe. These were small Fireweed plants, maybe one foot or 30cm tall. This plant provided many quick handy drinks. Thank for reminder of the past. John Ireton
good article shared on facebook
Thank you. Much appreciated.
It’s late February and I’ve been nibbling the young shoots of this plant – quite invigorating!
I used a glass of water to wash the gelatinous pith into directly off the flat ended stick. Then each time I would dry the stick before scraping out more pith:
Remember folks use the resources nature provides with care. Mother nature won’t thank you if you take the pith too much.
Found your article just as I was reading an article in Russian on making thread from the pith ( quite difficult, by the sound of it, but good for headaches and rheumatism, apparently). Your article and especially the photos definitely made some obscure bits less obscure. The Russians call the plant ” Ivan’s tea”, incidentally, but they make the tea from the leaves.
It tends to be processed as black tea, often made into granules. Essentially, you wither the leaves slightly, then bruise them and dry them once you judge them to have browned sufficiently
Please let me know where I can buy seeds of Chamerion angustifolium (Willow-herb) or in the US they call it Fireweed or rosebay willoherb.
Also I am looking for the dried leaves as a tea of this herb to use it in treatment of prostate problems.
I will be really thankful to you and for your help.
Hi David, never having needed to buy the seeds, I don’t know the answer to your question. I’m sure a quick Google search would yield a supplier if one exists.
That said, as far as I understand it Chamerion angustifolium occurs in all Canadian provinces. Can you not just find and harvest some plants locally?
Warm regards,
We have made trad beverage from the flowers of Chamaenerion angustifolium.
1 liter of flowers (no bitter greens)
1 lime juice and some scraped skin
2 teaspoons lemon juice
2 litres boiling water
ca. 2dl honey + 4dl sugar (do not put all sweeteners at once, check taste)
Pour hot water on flowers, add lime juice and scrapings together with lemon juice.
Let cool for 2-3 hours
Drain through sieve
Add sugar and honey according to taste.
Makes a nice pink summer cool drink.
Dear Paul,
Thank you for sharing these little gems.
I have been walking amongst Rosebay willow herbs all summer and now I feel this information will endow me with a better appreciation of this common roadside plant
Hi Paul,
Yet another great article, we have loads of the stuff in the pennines, everybody hates it because the seeds blow into their gardens, now I think I could farm the stuff.
Many thanks for another great read.
Haha, yes I think you should. Nice food source at different times of the year.
Warm regards,
Hallo I’m in Wales and there’s plenty of RBH growing locally. I’m interested to learn about the nutritional value of pith, thank you for that. I use the young leaves to make tea, a traditional drink in Russia that was once popular in the West. It’s a little time-consuming to make but the result is surprisingly good and once the leaves are dried the tea will keep indefinitely. I would recommended it to anyone interested in wild food.