PLAN Your Skills for Survival
In the past our forebears used bushcraft in a way that allowed them to live very close to the land, much closer than you or I do today. These days many of us are heading to wild places equipped with a combination of bushcraft skills and modern equipment. In this way, we use our bushcraft skills as part of our modern-day outdoor life. Many of us also recognize that bushcraft skills would be very useful should a survival situation occur in a wilderness setting.
If you are serious about being able to employ your bushcraft skills efficiently in a survival situation, it’s necessary to think about your bushcraft skills in very objective and practical terms. A suitable framework for your skills in this context is the way that military survival is often taught.
According to this doctrine, in a survival situation you should address your needs, which are protection, location, acquisition, navigation and medical. This can be remembered using the acronym M-PLAN
Medical treatment, using your first-aid knowledge in combination with available materials.
Protection means protection from the environment by employing your clothing correctly, finding or building shelter, and lighting fire;
Location means being seen and being able to signal;
Acquisition means getting hold of sustenance – water and food – as well as other resources. This may mean making tools or sourcing materials to fix your equipment;
Navigation by whatever means are available;
Using M-PLAN as a checklist of skills, you can easily conclude that for an environment you are preparing to travel to or through, you should be able to do the following:
– Perform first aid, both general and for specifics of the environment;
– Understand the environmental hazards and how to dress correctly;
– Light a fire;
– Construct a shelter;
– Signal for help;
– Find and purify water;
– Find food (plant, fungi, animal);
– Make tools;
– Navigate the terrain, by natural means as well as modern;
In common with our ancestors, skill and knowledge are more important than equipment. These can be carried with you wherever you go. In a survival situation, you should treat any piece of equipment you have as a bonus. Be positive about what you have.
A positive mental attitude and an unwillingness to give up are, above all else, the most important qualities of survivors.
Some bushcraft skills can take many years to master, yet only a few hours of survival training have saved lives. Hence, you shouldn’t concentrate on one area of bushcraft to the exclusion of others. You should have a solid grounding in all the fundamental building blocks of the subject. You will no doubt find having such a rounded knowledge rewarding in itself. It also means you are less likely to have a weak link in your skill-set if you really do need to rely on your skills for survival.
Remember M-PLAN. Before heading out, get some first aid training and PLAN your skills for survival.
Related Articles on Paul Kirtley’s Blog:
How to Build a Survival Kit on Bushcraft Principles
Essential Wilderness Equipment – 7 Items I Never Leave Home Without.
Creeping Death – Hypothermia and How to Avoid it
Recommended Books for Further Reading:
8 thoughts on “PLAN Your Skills for Survival”
I have to say that for the last few hours i have been hooked by the amazing articles on this blog. Keep up the great work.
Thanks! Glad you found it so interesting and useful.
All the best,
Thank You! some great Video’s n text!Has taught/reminded an old dog of a few new tricks!
Do wish that pop up advertiing your 20 free videos.didnt pop up every time one changes
screen!especially as I have already subscribed.
Heading for the Forrests of Croatia,(Papuk Area)Hunting wild boar,an living the “good life”haha,on weds!
Best wishes to you n yours for xmas.Michael
Hi Michael,
Thanks for your message and your kind words. Glad you’ve found some nuggets on my site 🙂
Croatia sounds like an adventure. Enjoy!
I’ll look into the pop-up settings…
Warm regards,
Michael… OK, I’ve looked into the pop-up settings.
You should only be seeing the pop over on the articles every 10 days maximum.
That said, if you do not have cookies enabled or are continually changing your IP address, this site will treat you like a new visitor (because as far as it knows you are one) and show you the pop-over.
I hope this helps…
Warm regards,
Thanks Paul it seems to have sorted its self out.
Best Wishes.Michael
Hi Paul, Here’s one I haven’t commented on, so here goes:
Survival, to me, is a quick and dirty means of staying alive under extreme circumstances. Having practiced skills in bushcraft is an assurance that may help in a survival situation, provided the psychology of the person is intact, and his (or her) physiology is sound as well. It’s down to common sense and a good risk evaluation. The best is to stay put, unless eminent danger looms overhead (widowmakers, thunderstorm, gale-force winds, or other natural or unnatural disasters) , and to prepare to be comfortable, safe, and seen from a distance. This is a good article, and we could elaborate on and on, but it boils down to getting at least an introductory course in emergency preparedness, and practicing mentally, physically and psychologically for the worst, while expecting the best outcome. (My two cents worth).
Hi Marcel,
Thanks for your thoughts and observations. Your two cents worth is always appreciated my friend.
Warm regards,