Tactics For Fire-lighting In The Damp, Cold Months
Damp, cold conditions are not conducive to fire-lighting. The same conditions that easily lead to hypothermia are ones that easily lead to failure in establishing a fire. There is an irony with regards to fire-lighting, in that the more you need a fire, the harder it is to light one. Damp, cold conditions are often the most difficult conditions in which to light a fire.
As a point of contrast, in very cold conditions, below minus 20 Celsius (minus 4 Fahrenheit), say, such as you might find in the arctic forests of Scandinavia or the northern forests of North America in winter, it can actually be relatively easy to light a fire compared to more temperate climates at the same time of year.
By contrast, in the temperate parts of the north in winter, such as in Britain and other parts of northwestern Europe, or the Pacific Northwest of North America, where one doesn’t experience the extreme low temperatures of the boreal forests in winter, we often experience a damp cold. These are conditions also experienced in continental areas south of the boreal forest in winter, or even in the boreal in the fall.
Whenever the temperature is not far above or below freezing, combined with high humidity, the resultant damp, penetrating cold, feels like it’s chilling you to the core. It also challenges your fire-lighting abilities, more than the desiccated cold of the northern forests.
In the coldest forests in winter, as long as you don’t select wood with water frozen into it, there is little moisture around to impede ignition. At these low temperatures, the air is literally freeze dried and while the relative humidity can still be nominally quite high, the absolute amount of moisture in the air is low. Very low temperatures, of course, do handicap the establishment of a fire to an extent, as you are warming everything up to a fixed ignition temperature from a lower starting temperature, but we can easily mitigate some of the effects. One thing to be aware of even in the coldest of winter conditions, however, is the heat of the fire will release frozen moisture from the nearby environment as it warms up snow, ice and frozen ground. Hence, we are starting to create a damper environment in proximity to the fire. So we should have some tactics for dealing with this too.
Overall, then, cold, damp conditions are some of the harder conditions in which to light a fire. This is where attention to detail and good preparation in your fire-making efforts really pay handsome dividends. So, below are some tips and tactics, born of experience, sometimes hard-won, that will help you in establishing and benefitting from a fire in the cold, damp times of the year, whenever you experience them…
The Basics Are The Basics
Your fire-lighting efforts should always be made on the foundational principles, proven to always stand you in good stead. Don’t cut corners, even of you are in real need of fire as soon as possible. Proper preparation of materials is the ethos of all consistently successful fire-makers.
Further, pre-position yourself for success by regularly training in techniques and practices you intend to rely on when conditions are tough. Get into good habits in the good times and they will be part of your practice when things are harder.
While you might get away with cutting a few corners in summer, winter is a much harsher mistress The fundamental “rules” count more in marginal conditions. Don’t cut corners. The basics are the basics.
You should always select dead, standing and dry wood for your fuel. When setting your fire, you should always first create a platform of dead, dry wood. This raises your initial fire from the cold, damp ground, adds fuel into the heart of the fire and allows good oxygen flow into the base of the flames. Collect plenty of kindling. It should be a bundle, not a handful, particularly in winter. Keep your sticks long, so you can create a good open-V shaped lay of kindling and so you can manipulate the first flames. Don’t just have your kindling prepared. Also prepare the next stages. Have your next stages of fuel ready to go, broadly graded – pencil thickness, then little-finger thickness, then index-finger to thumb thickness and so on.
Adding fuel to a new fire is like working up through the gears in a car’s gear box. Start in first, accelerate and change up to second, then third, the fourth. As momentum builds, you shift up. Similarly with your fire, when flames come through the kindling, put on the pencil-thickness fuel, then when the momentum builds and flames come through the second grade of fuel, put on the third, then the fourth. Thus, you build a fire.
If it’s raining, then shelter the initial stages of the fire. You can, of course, erect a tarp. More on this below. If you have nothing else, use a rucksack liner, plastic bag or even a jacket. Yes, you will get a little wet, particularly on your back but it’s better to ensure a big blaze. If you are on your own, suspend the bag or jacker with a few sticks. If you have a companion, they can hold the rain protection over the area you are working. This will protect the initial ignition and first, small flames. As the momentum builds the power of the fire will repel the rain. Make sure you put at least double the normal amount of kindling on the fire when it’s exposed to direct rain.
If you can’t find decent dry secondary and tertiary fuel to follow on from the primary kindling, then split larger wood to access dry fuel inside. Again it should be dead, dry and standing. By standing, I mean upright. Gravity acts at right angles to the ground. The more horizontal a piece of wood, the more gravity will tend to pull water into the wood. Vertical dead wood will have relatively little water penetration.
The outside of even vertical dead wood can be a little wet, plus inner barks can be somewhat absorbent of moisture. The initial few millimetres of wood therefore can be a little damp if moisture is trapped under the bark. If this is the case, then remove the wet bark and damp wood with your knife. Under no circumstances does it help by having a damp layer of wood attached to the dry fuel you are seeking. So get rid of it.
Good Quality Kindling Is Critical
You can generalise fire-making into two broad stages. The first is creating a flame. The second is taking the flame to fire. Critical in the second stage is your kindling. A small handful of damp twigs from the forest floor is just not going to provide the desired results. Yet this is usually the first resort of the inexperienced.
I can’t overemphasise the importance of quality kindling in establishing a fire in cold, damp conditions. It is the bridge between the fragile initial flames and an established, robust fire. If your bridge is weak, it may collapse.
So where should you collect your kindling from? Not off the ground for starters. Instead you should be seaching above the ground – dead twigs still attached to the tree and detached dead twigs hung up amongst other twigs and branches. Some tree species yield more suitably-sized twigs than others. Birches are particularly productive. Not only do they produce matchstick-thin twigs, the oils in the bark make this natutally fine kindling both water resistant and impressively flammable. I’ve also found medium-sized beech trees a good source of fine hung-up kindling.
Many needled species of tree are ready sources of kindling, spruces and hemlocks in particular. The lower reaches of small to medium sized trees tend to harbour many small dead twigs, still attached to the tree. Because of the shape of the tree above combined with the density of foliage the live branches carry, the dead twigs lowere down are usually remarkably sheltered from precipitation. Thus, they are usually really quite dry. With any potential kindling, you should expect a clean snap or click when breaking sample twigs as proof of their being dead and dry. Any twigs that take effort to remove from the tree, needing to be twisted around multiple times or to be severed by a cutting tool are likely not suitable.
And what if you can’t find any kindling just hanging around? Well, you can make some…
If you can’t harvest dead, dry fine kindling directly from the woods, then you can produce fine material using a sharp cutting tool. Good feathersticks will form both the initial kindling and the next size of fuel up, both in one deftly made fire-lighting unit. The intention is for the whole thing to eventually catch light in one package, starting with just a small flame.
Poor feathersticks will see the feathers light but the stick not taken by the flames. In this situation, unless luck is on your side, you’ll end up with some charred sticks and no fire. The key to success with feathersticks is for the stick component of your feathersticks lighting from the feathery curls is for the sticks to have thin necks. That is, you must carve the stick down to a thickness the same as the size of a thin splint you might add as your next size of fuel up from the actual curls.
Further Reading: How To Make Fantastic Feathersticks
In dry conditions you may only need two good feathersticks plus some splints to establish a fire. In cold, somewhat damp conditions you will likely need four good feathersticks plus more splints; in very wet, rainy cold conditions or when your life depends upon it, I would recommend six very good feathersticks plus as many splints as you can muster. As with any firelighting, the key is preparation. Make good feathersticks, keep them dry, prepare plenty of fuel of all the sizes you need. Then, put down a good platform of split wood.
Is Friction Fire Unrealistic In The Damp, Cold Months?
Bow-drill or even hand-drill is not unrealistic but the more you have practised good material selection and honed your technique in the more clement months of the year, the more certain it will be that you will achieve success. If you are keen on having a year-round ability with bow-drill, say, I would recommend you continue to practise in the autumn and winter. Use the species of wood you find most reliable in the summer and keep using this as conditions become colder and damper. Until you are confident you can light a fire by friction in cold, damp conditions, the time to experiment with new materials is in the summer. Stick with the materials you know and trust as you extend your skills into the winter.
The basic principles of bow drill in damp, cold conditions are the same as any other time of year but there are a couple of small specific tips you might find useful. First, be absolutely fastidious about not putting your drill down on the ground when you are not using it. Keep it in a warm pocket until you need to use it. Note that because you are warming up the wood from a lower starting temperature, creating an ember may take longer than it normally does in warmer conditions. A layer of cold, humid air, close to damp, cold ground can be enough to quash an ember. Lift the ember up and away from the damp ground as soon as you can.
Your tinder bundle should be perfect. It should be dry and as well-prepared as possible. Again, you can sometimes get away with being somewhat slapdash in hot, dry conditions. Not, so in cold, damp conditions. Keep your bundle warm in the inside pocket of a jacket until you need to use it. The temperature difference between keeping the bundle at 20-30 degrees above freezing within your clothing and it being around freezing at the ambient temperature makes a noticeable difference. Then, of course, make sure you have plenty of well-prepared kindling and secondary fuel as described above.
Some General Advice For Fires In Cold, Damp Conditions
Regardless of how you might achieve flame, whether it be a bow drill with, say, alder wood, to create an ember, blown into flame using a bundle of honeysuckle bark, or your trusty ferro rod dropping sparks onto some scraped-up birch bark, whether it be flint-and-steel onto amadou, then blown into flame using the inner bark of oak, or just your favourite brand of matches, and regardless of the kidling you are using, there are some general considerations for the colder, damper months of the year you should pay some attention to.
It’s fairly obvious that you need to avoid exposed windy places to have your fire. Not only will this make your fire-lighting efforts harder, they will be bitterly cold, even with a fire. Drop downhill a little or move around the contour to find a position less exposed to the wind. Or it may be a case of pushing a little further into the woods, away from the edge exposed to the prevailing wind, to reduce the effect of the cold wind on both you and your fire.
A more subtle consideration is to avoid localised low points in the terrain. This doesn’t mean only valley bottoms. In hollows and depressions, the ground will likely be more damp as water accumulates and persists in these places. Also, cold air is more dense than warmer air, and so cold air drops into the lowest points in the landscape. So, dips and depressions in the land tend to be cold and damp. Avoid these for your fire-lighting efforts.
If the driest ground you can find is still pretty much sodden, then build a double platform under your fire lay. First scrape away wet leaves and the like as you would normally. Then place down a hearth as you normally do. This can be dead, standing sticks of about thumb thickness or split from dead, standing wood of larger diameter, such as you might use when using feathersticks. then take a second set of sticks and lay them at right angles to the first, so you create a double platform, raising your initial tinder and kindling further away from the wet ground. This helps reduce the effects of moisture evaporating up into the initial stages of your fire as well as providing more dry fuel into the heart of your fire as it establishes.
Consider erecting a tarp directly over your fire site. Do this before you light your fire, otherwise you risk melting your tarp, particularly if you are setting it up on your own. If it is raining or snowing, this will protect the initial stages of your fire from the dampening effects of precipitation falling directly on it. Even once the fire is established, protecting it from rain or snow, will allow your fire to burn efficiently and you will need less fuel for a given amount of heat. There is also another, highly beneficial, effect of having a tarp over a fire. You achieve a convection current, where some of the warm air, after hitting the inside of the tarp, pushes back down towards you underneath it. You create a pocket of warmth under the tarp, which simply would not be there otherwise. In conditions of wet snow falling, the combined benefits of having a tarp over a fire make a huge difference.
Lighting Fires In Snowy Conditions
You might be wondering what if there is snow on the ground before I come to light my fire? Well, you have two options. You can either light your fire directly on top of the snow or first clear the snow away then have your fire directly on the ground as per usual. Which option to choose is dependent on a number of factors.
The primary thing to understand is that a fire directly on top of snow will quite quickly start to melt the snow underneath, then sink downwards into the snow. Whether or not this is a problem depends on how long you intend to use the fire and, to an extent, how deep the snow is. It’s quite common to see families in Norway for example, out for a day’s skiing on prepared trails through the forest, to build a lunch fire directly on top of the snow. They roast some pre-cooked sausage and keep themselves warm while standing around. It’s quick, efficient and does not require shifting any snow. You can extend the time before a fire sinks by building a larger platform underneath it. This better protects the snow from the heat radiating from the bottom of the fire.
If you are going to be around for any length of time, however, it is generally best to remove the snow from the ground first, then set your fire. If you just dig a whole for the fire, though, your fire will be down a pit and you will be on top of the snow, not getting much, if any, warming benefit from it. So, you’ll need to clear an area of snow large enough for both you and the fire. You will then be down at the same level as the fire, on solid ground. Remove as much snow as you possibly can from the ground.
If the ground is frozen, it likely won’t seem to contain as much moisture as it actually does. As soon as it warms up, water in the soil will start melting and the moisture will be more apparent. So, the bottom line is you should still build a decent platform of dry wood on which to set your fire. A double platform as described above is often prudent. You don’t want the heat of the initial stages of your fire melting and evaporating moisture from the ground, up through your fire, causing a significant drag on its ability to get going.
Summary – Small Details Are Important
While some of the above details may seem small, it is in marginal conditions that attention to detail makes the most difference. In cold damp conditions you have less margin for success than in hot dry conditions. In the latter circumstances anyone can light a fire without much effort. Indeed, in the driest conditions, the concern can be that any naked flame in the bush might create a blaze that is soon out of control.
In cold damp conditions, however, the challenge can be to get anything to light at all, even though you want it to. Moreover in cold damp conditions the value of a fire can go beyond want into the realm of need. The irony is that the more you need a fire, the harder it is to create one. I hope, at least, the above tips and advice from my own experience will help you achieve success the next time you really need a fire.
If you liked this article, check out the following…
How To Light A Campfire With One Match
How To Make Fantastic Feathersticks
PK Podcast 037: Dan Hume On His Quest For Traditional Fire Skills
Canoeing The Spey With Kevin, Ray & Justine part 2 – A Few Campfire Tricks
Northern Forest Fire-lighting Fundamentals: Pulling It All Together
26 thoughts on “Tactics For Fire-lighting In The Damp, Cold Months”
Hi Paul,interesting post as always.I agree prep work is everything.I tend to adapt to the surrounding woods and what I can use,like cramp balls,put into a bundle then taken to flame,but in rain it’s very difficult.So I tend to use birch bark scrapings.Its all about what nature can supply us and how we use and understand how it all works.
Hi Andy,
It’s good to hear from you. Yes, indeed, being flexible and seeing what nature can provide is a key element of being capable in these skills.
Warm regards,
Thanks Paul, great stuff, great tips
Thanks Tim 🙂
The chap in the tartan Swanndri shirt is displaying great jacket technique.
A very confidence building description of all the stages to achieve success. Thank you
Thank you Paul, those were excellent tips. Outstanding content and beautiful writing (“winter is a much harsher mistress” – loved that). I also appreciated the related links. I always learn from your work. Keep it coming!
Many thanks Paul,excellent stuff and always looked forward to. I would like to be more deeply involved with your courses, but thats not possible, so I am grateful occasional videos and blogs. It’s funny as I look back at the courses I have done,I laugh, it;’s been only you and Ray who have put on a worthwhile course, where you actually learn. Good work keep it up. Joe
An interesting article Paul.
Living in Darwin, Australia, Half the year the challenge is controlling your fire as the bush is one big tinder bundle, the other half is tropical rains of 100mm+ in a day. Whilst I’m confidant that I can light a fire all year round in my area and surrounding area I can’t comprehend lighting a fire in the snow, then again I get hypothermia just thinking about snow.
Having said all that I do love reading about how you crazy people do it and every now and then pick up a tip or two that I can use in my tinder bundle.
I look forward to your next article.
When I teach fire craft to Scouting youth, I talk about breakfast, lunch and dinner with respect to sizes of materials – breakfast-tinders, lunch-kindling and dinner- logs. As you may only get one opportunity to get a fire going, prep is the most important component. Making sure you have enough materials and your lay is set up to start a fire. The greatest mistake that I see is not having enough materials and trying to start a fire without a proper platform to protect fire and materials from the wet.
Great article. When I teach fire craft to Scouting youth, I talk about breakfast, lunch and dinner with respect to sizes of materials – breakfast-tinders, lunch-kindling and dinner- logs. As you may only get one opportunity to get a fire going, prep is the most important component. Making sure you have enough materials and your lay is set up to start a fire. The greatest mistake that I see is not having enough materials and trying to start a fire without a proper platform to protect fire and materials from the wet.
Great tips Paul, thank you. I’ve been struggling with feather sticks and I think you’ve just told me why: my feathers are fine but my neck is too thick I think. More practice needed, as ever.
Great article Paul. Useful in combination with your YouTube videos, which are invaluable. One fire prep principle never to be overlooked, which i learned from you on your May 2012 course, is having 3 ways to light a fire on your person.
Hi Paul,
I suppose being in Canada, I’ve been reasonably spoiled with the opportunities the bush has presented me to light fires. I have never really failed to make a fire in cold or damp or rainy conditions, as I have, like you, maintained the step-up method of fine, dry tinders, increasing kindling sizes, and eventually bigger woods. I also use different fire lays, the teepee for when it’s raining, which sheds rain, and allows the wood to blast up faster; the upside down fire, where I light the top of the wood pile, criss-crossed at 90 degrees to itself, especially in cold and snow, as the fire will burn down well (all dry stuff by the way). I also am not afraid to use armful bundles of dry ‘squaw wood’ from under evergreens, and red-needled lower branches of pine, as these will ignite a high heat flame that turns damp kindling to usable firewood.
All in all, I use birch bark when I can, but no worries if it’s not there, as squaw wood does the trick. As for feathersticks, I used to make ‘fuzz sticks’ from Boy Scout lore, which work as well, and the feathersticks have the advantage of being ignited by ferro rod when feathered fine enough.
Thanks for the article.
Good, comprehensive article Paul.
I have lived for over two years in a travel trailer in a Canadian forest (BC) at 3,500 feet elevation and spend an average of 4 hours per day outside, sometimes 10 hours. I think it is important to be able to identify the trees in the forest you are in, where i am there is a lot of black spruce, Paper Bark birch and Aspen, also some Vine Maple and a few Canadian Balsam Balsam/ Noble Fir). Each of these trees have their own ‘gifts’ to the outdoorsman who seeks to light a fire, each have their own limitations in their fire-lighting value. Fourty Five kilometres West where I used to live the predominant tree species were Ponderosa (Yellow) Pine, Douglas Fire and Juniper with a ground covering of Sagebrush, a much drier environment.
‘Dead standing trees’ I tend to look for the ones that are on the edge of a clearing where there is more exposure to sun and wind. If the tree can be easily felled I use the wood from higher up the tree as the lower wood tends to have more damp bark and larger dimensions that have been slower to dry out. Bark remaining on the lower part of dead-standing trees wicks up moisture from the forest floor. One question, when creating a platform to keep combustibles off a damp floor/snow, do you see any advantage in a top down fire? Thanks again Paul.
Hi Paul,
Thanks for a perfectly timed article! I’m heading for Norway in twelve days. Borgefjell Np.
So i definitily will be able to use this tips
Hi Paul,
A timely article as my ego was recently put into check practicing the bow drill from a dead standing alder. Something in fair weather I was confident I could do, but some added humidity and lower atmospheric temperature just produced bucket loads of dust and smoke yet no ember. The tip of keeping the kit off the deck when not In use makes so much more sense now.
Thanks again.
Hey Paul, great post.
I’ve seen you use only the very end of your ferro rod to get sparks with the sharp spine of your knife. I’ve tried this at home with my two ferro rods, and I fail to get sparks. The spine of my knife is also sharp, so I was curious on if it might be due to the brand of ferro rod. What’s your preferred company for ferro rods? How can I tell if a ferro rod is hard or soft when looking to purchase online? Thanks again from Wisconsin, USA.
Hello Paul,
First of all, I’m realy grateful for your blog, your videos and articles. I realy appreciate your informations and advices. You changed a lot of my perspective on bushcraft.
Here in germany fire is hard restikted. But I’m lucky to have some privat places were I can practice in a efficient context.
Mostly I practice my skills daily on my way though the woods, independent form weather. I always have my firerod and my knife with me. So I collect some tinder on my way and try establish a small fire. Normally this will be deleted immediately.I also practice at home in my open garage when I’m late form work. Preparing tinder, making feathersticks etc. Just for geting practice my skills.
I also agree that preparation and skills are half the flame.
So thank you very much for this article.
I’m looking forward for the next.
Best regards
Great article Paul, definitely befits the season!
I’ve been practicing getting a fire going with just feather sticks and some birch bark to help get it started. So far I’m in the humbing stages of initial failure but hopefully with enough practice i can get consistent success in the damp.
Hi Paul,
Yet another great article from yourself, gives me something to try and play with before I do the elementary bushcraft in April,
Many thanks, keep well.
Very informative article, it’s great to see other people input and idea’s and how they would do something different. Yesterday I watched a video by an ex USMC and he used three pieces rolled up masking tape to get his fire going and slowly dried out the pencil and thumbsticks to slowly add to it, something I may try if this weather carries on as it is at the moment
If only we had known the fundamentals of firefighting on my JNCO’s cadre back in the 70’s, as usual the 72 hour exercise was in a damp mid November in Germany and after a fairly dry patrol on the first night we got to the food prep stand RV by then it was torrential rain. All revved up and ready to get the hexamine blocks and cooker out the DS said we had to light a fire…”But we weren’t given the skills light fires Sarge” and the reply was “Tough just get on with it”
No tinned compo rations either…the food was the chickens clucking around in the bushes that we had fed on camp and given names.
It took two hours back then to get a good base of embers down before we had a decent fire so since then I have taught myself by trial and error and now am confident that I can light a fire in all weathers. I even taught my young nephew how to prep pigeon and rabbit we had shot and cooked over and open fire that he lit in damp conditions
It’s a skill we all should have
Hi Paul,
Is it possible to light a fire in 93% humidity?
After hours of trying, I could not start a fire in such conditions. I was in a coniferous woodland blanketed with moss and I was quite elevated, albeit on a very slight slope. I set up a tarp.
I split down some dead standing Scot’s pine and even harvested some fat wood from it. Scraped a pile for tinder along with wispy birch bark and wood shavings from my pack. I made a bunch of feather sticks. I lifted the moss, cleared the roots, dug down to bare earth and used split rounds a for my hearth. Processed the various thicknesses of kindling and began reigning sparks down for hours lol. A few times I had what seemed a strong flame. I even began using a gas lighter and the materials would simply cease to burn or when a flame was established it would soon fade away. The materials were bone dry. After hours of trying however, they became damp just from being exposed to the damp air!
I even held the lighter to a fresh feather stick above my head, far away from the damp ground but it would not burn.
I was humbled to say the least.
There’s a lot I’ll take from this article, thanks. I now know my skills must be honed in and meticulously practiced. But I do wonder if it’s simply not possible sometimes? Or are there things I could’ve done differently?
One thing I thought, is that I could’ve kept the feather sticks inside my jacket close to my body, to prevent exposure whilst I made the rest? And perfect carving them to maximise their utility.
Cheers Paul, all the best!
Hi Daniel, thanks for posting your questions and some of the context that gave rise to them. Real-world experience is very valuable and it’s great you have been getting out and building your own experience, from which to draw.
Having read what you have posted above, I would say there is a statement in the middle of it that I would question, as it may well not have been true…. that is about the materials being “bone dry”. Sure, it can be hard to light things with sparks but if you are lighting feathersticks with a gas lighter and they are not catching strongly then the material is not dry, certainly not as dry as it could be.
If your featherstick curls were burning well but the sticks were not catching from the curls, then there are a couple of potiential issues – 1/ you might not have made enough curls to provide the heat energy to ignite the next level of fuel (which, as stated above, might have been damp) 2/ The sticks the curls were attached to were too thick. This is a common mistake with feathersticks. It’s related to the first point, in that the fewer curls you make, the thicker the stick remaining. But even if you make a good number of curls on your featherstick, the remaining stick can be too thick to catch light from the curls. It’s analagous to lighting some fine kindling then adding sticks that are too thick to take from burning kinding.
If the featherstick you held above your head and tried to light with a lgihter was a decent featherstick (see my article below for comparison), then the logical conclusion is that the material must have been damp, even if you thought it wasn’t. Have a look a the two articles linked below…
With respect to lighting feathersticks with a ferro rod, this can be done without too much issue, once you have the knack (and assuming you have dry materials*). You need a focussed spark at the base of a featherstick. There are a couple of ways of achieving this.
*materials selected should be dead (and properly seasoned), standing, and dry.
One method with the ferro rod is as I show towards the end of the following video sample from my Online Elementary Bushcraft course (from about 09:30 onwards)
Another method is as Mors Kochanski shows in the following video on the Four Dog Stoves YouTube channel
Humidity certainly doesn’t help but living in the UK, it’s not unusual to have humidity in the 80-90% range and it sometimes can go into the low 90s. Humidity is a drag on fire-lighting but shouldn’t break the deal altogether, as long as the material selection and prep is good.
Even though things didn’t go as smoothly as you hoped, I’m very glad you are not deterred. Reflecting on your practice and asking questions are key compoenents of solid learning and self-improvment. Please let me know any additional thoughts or comments, based on my comments here, as well as the information included in the linked articles and videos. I hope all of this helps.
Warm regards,
Very useful Paul, thank you! And apart from the bow-drilling method, I can say that I’ve learned many of the other best practices. But a “kit fever” hit me. This summer I’ve seen some old finished whisky tubes on my bookshelves, that I keep because I love typography and graphic design. And I thought they could be useful for a fire lighting kit. The idea is to store some dried thin kindling in a tube of your favorite Scotch. Well, I think Laphroaig, Oban, and others with long but not too thick tubes are preferable because they can be easily packed aside the rucksack, or in the bottle pockets, etc. While big cylinders like the Bruichladdich or other similar ones could not be as good as the others (I’m not giving drinking advice) – Don’t fill the tube with sticks as long as the tube, but leave some space for a few wood feathers, or paper handkerchief, and if you have some stored, complete the kit with some birch bark. Overall it’s a light kit, it can be refilled after using it, while you find other wood, and it can give you time to gather the best wood, relying on the fact that you already have a good start. I know, it seems silly, and maybe it is, but it’s some fun with an object that looks more beautiful than useful. I made 4 of them XD (not joking) – Bye!
Sorry if this has been asked but I have a lovely dd tarp, one of the photos above shows a fire under the tarp, is this a safe thing to do? would it work with an ^ shape layout?